02 May 2011

How to Plan for a Company Summer Outing

The month of May usually is the time where companies plan their summer outing. This is probably one of the events that you’ve looking forward to since the start of 2011. It may even be the reason you’ve been working out so much or following a very strict diet. However, you have been tasked by the Big Boss to plan for your company’s summer getaway. For sure you want to impress the person with your superb planning skills, what do you do?

Get the Details
For companies, the number 1 concern is always..you guessed it, budget. Every company has this in mind. So ask the one who assigned you for an estimated budget for the summer outing. The next thing you have to know is who are invited? Will families be included in the trip? Up to how many can they bring? How long will you be staying? Answers to these questions will be the basis of your master plan.

Plan the Logistics
A usual summer outing would be hitting the beach but if you’re on a tight budget or looking to really impress the Boss, better have something innovative in mind. Look for places that are safe and easily accessible yet less frequented by other large groups. Keep in mind that it is always better to have a place all to yourselves so if you can find one that fits the budget, get it. Reserve ahead of time so that you wouldn’t encounter fully booked places.

Make the Trip Memorable and Fun
The most important part of the trip is the activities that you will be planning for everybody to follow. Multinational companies usually take the time for summer outing to be a teambuilding experience. Games have their own objectives and lessons to be learned in the end. So make the most out of this event and cook up something fun yet to lesson-inspired activities. Careful not to take too much of their time as they might get bored and regret going to your event.

Prepare for Emergencies
Bring a first aid kit. If you have a company nurse, be sure to include him/her. Have a plan in case a typhoon or other disaster hits. Designate leaders per car if you’ll be bringing several vehicles to keep track of all attendees. Have a map of the area you’re going to and locate the nearby hospitals. You can never be too safe.

Lastly, Enjoy
Always remember that the reason why you’re here is to relax and have fun. If people show up late, don’t mind it too much. Set a time and leave if they’re not there in 30 minutes. If people do not participate, just finish the activities and let everybody go their own way. I’m sure you want to be too. Have a happy outing!