Have you ever submitted your resume and never got that call? It’s like feeling your resume went immediately down the trash bin after a few seconds. Well, sometimes it does happen, especially if your resume has too much clutter in them. For most employers, that’s the signal to move on to the next paper. Here are some tips on how to tidy up your resume:
1. Look professional. I’m sure all of you know this but it is still overlooked by a lot of applicants:
o Create an email dedicated solely for your job application use.
o Never list your girlfriend or spouse’s cellphone number as your contact number.
o Use a formal looking picture.
2. Keep your resume to 1-2 pages. Decades ago, the rule of thumb for resume length is to limit it to 1 page, particularly for fresh graduates with no work experience. But if you ask most managers right now, 2-3 pages is okay, as long as you put in substantial content.
3. Font size should be kept at 10 or 12 and use font type Arial or Times New Roman to make your resume short and readable.
4. Correct spacing and alignment of text. A well-spaced resume is pleasing to the eyes.
5. Grammar check. Wrong usage of words will definitely spell goodbye to your application.
6. Use a bullet list (like this) for your awards and achievements. It will be easier to read and legally lengthen your resume. *wink*
7. Remove unnecessary comments and/or statements. Just say what you need to say. Nothing more. Nothing less.
8. Sort everything by the latest date. Whether it be work experience, education, extra-curricular activities, place what you have done the latest.
9. Adjust your resume depending on the company. Don’t create a one-size-fits-all resume. Make sure you know the position you are applying for and remove items in your resume that are not relevant to it.
10. Don’t give everything away. Don’t write every detail of your project; rather just provide your readers an overview. Discuss the details during the interview itself. You can use this to bitin (intrigue) them and eventually lead to the phone call.
What about you? Any tips you can share?