The interview is the last obstacle that you have to overcome in achieving your dream job. Be sure to be prepared beforehand. Though it might be natural for you to be nervous, you should stay calm and maintain your poise during the whole interview activity. This is your chance to let the employer know why you should be a part of their company. Once the interview starts, you just have to remember one thing:
Sell yourself.
By that I do not mean you dance in front of the interviewer, you might be able to entertain him/her but that’s also a sure way to get rejected!
Sell yourself to convince the employer why they should hire you and never regret it.
Sell yourself that you are capable of doing the tasks that need to be done.
Sell yourself to get that dream job!
The interview is never the right time to be shy or timid. Remember, this might be your only chance to get into the company so drop your shyness and sell sell sell! Even if you find out during the interview that you do not see yourself working there, don’t stop selling yourself. It is certainly better to be the one being called than the other way around. To reiterate, sell sell sell!
Now go on to and nail that interview!